![Post image for (NSFW) Nipple Pride Parade—New York [PHOTOS]](https://sheamagazine.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/nipple-pride-parade.jpg)
Bare-breasted women and men took to the New York City streets yesterday to demand the same constitutional topless rights for all. Organized by GoTopless.org, Nipple Pride Parades were scheduled for dozens of cities across North America yesterday including New York, Los Angeles, Washington DC, and San Francisco.
“For 23 years, New York has been a beacon of topless equality,” said Rachel Jessee, New York’s GoTopless leader via a press release. ”But few women exercise their topless rights in New York even now,” Jessee said. “Shame and guilt are deeply ingrained, and they find it hard to break free. The purpose of the Nipple Pride Parade is to empower them to overcome those feelings. Decades ago, bare-chested men were arrested for indecent exposure, and many were self-conscious about going topless after it became legal. But men overcame their reluctance and women can too!”
The beginning of the New York event at Columbus Circle was something of a bust. The participants marching to display their mammaries were significantly outnumbered by media folks and bloggers, not to mention loads of panting tourists, literally tripping over each other to take a pic of anything remotely resembling a breast. But as the parade continued towards its final destination at Bryant Park, the parade’s numbers swelled, so to speak.
But on a serious note, equal rights make sense in every case. If men are allowed to go shirtless then so should women, less the law become like a slide rule gauging cup size or nipple color. America’s relationship with nudity is in need of an overhaul. The fact that I have to label this post NSFW seems abundantly stupid, considering it would probably be fine for you to watch a beheading video at work.
You can see additional pictures at Gothamist.
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Tony Shea ( Editor-in-Chief, New York)
Tony Shea is based in New York, having recently moved from Los Angeles after more than a decade on the sunny coast. His short films have won numerous awards and screened at major festivals around the world including Comic-Con. As a musician, he is the lead singer for Los Angeles rock n’ roll band Candygram For Mongo (C4M) candygramformongo.com who has been a featured artist on Clear Channel Radio’s Discover New Music Program and whose songs have been heard on Battlestar Gallactica (Syfy Channel) and Unhitched (Fox) among other shows and films.
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