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Driving, Sirius radio is broken and I’m not up for the CDs in the car. Turn on radio, NPR is dull. Start scanning, listen to a few minutes of good Mexican music, don’t like the second song. Try the rock/pop stations:
First, “Zombie” by the Cranberries…terrible, terrible song. Wince and change station.
Next, “These are Days” by 10,000 Maniacs…so, so, so, so awful. Fight the urge to jab a pencil in my ear, switch station.
Next, “Glycerine” by Bush…cringe, curse, change station.
Next, “What’s Going On” by 4 Non Blondes…worst song of all time in any style or era? Small freakout dropping my drink trying to change station.
Lest anyone think I’m a musical misogynist please remember that Bush is an awful male fronted band. Perhaps Radius, the Babylonian God of Airplay Probabilities, targeted me with a run of terrible songs dominated by female vocalists because I failed to sacrifice enough goats during the fall harvest. I have reaped what I have sown.
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