“License my roving hands, and let them go/ Before, behind, between, above, below.” John Donne.
Last night I had a super naughty dream about James Franco. Why? I hadn’t seen any sexy photos of him recently, or rubbed elbows with him at a local Starbucks…it was because of an Instagram video he made that I happened to see while randomly searching for something else. All I could think while I watched it was how much I’d love to kiss him with my hands gripping hipbones beneath his belt. Too much sharing? Too bad. Grow up.
Here’s the video–I dare you to get through it without your mouth watering a bit.
The skin, the hair, the sad lonely plea–all make for a sexy tidbit that make me want to eat his face right off his head. Too scary? He seems like he could handle it. Besides, he’s alone and I took a shower today. Boom!
James Franco is the guy you meet in a bar and share an intimate conversation with over a glass of delicious small batch scotch whiskey, then head out to a food truck for a taco and a make out session in an abandoned phone booth in a sketchy hipster neighborhood. You’d laugh, you’d pant, you’d wake up in bed in someone else’s tube top surrounded by paintings, the sounds of Motown, and the delicious scent of brewing coffee coming from the kitchen. Maybe he doesn’t drink coffee. Maybe he sleeps in Spiderman Underoos. This isn’t your dream, so stop it. We’d have the best night ever and I would have the taste of those gorgeous lips in my mouth for days because I wouldn’t brush my teeth. Ha. Take that.
On a serious note, I would totally make out with James Franco any day of the week. Did I mention that? Dude is totally hilarious and this makes him sexy beyond words. Plus I wanna tangle my hands in that hair, and the Kanye Video remake where he kisses Seth Rogen almost made me pee my pants. Almost. Ok, it did, but I had half a bottle of wine before I watched it so keep it in perspective.
Haven’t seen the Kanye Bound 2 video? You are in for a treat. Here’s a side by side with the REAL video and James’s version. You’re welcome.
P.S. James please call me and let’s hang out. You can read me stories and I’ll make food while wearing your clothes and dancing to Hall & Oats. It’ll be amazing–pinky swear.
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Mary Kay Holmes (Sr. Contributing Editor, Los Angeles)
Mary Kay Holmes runs an empire called Daily Hot Guy and dares you to download the iPhone app so you can join her in a world where there is an abundance of gorgeous men, chocolate and cocktails.Check out the iPhone app in iTunes!Handsome men are awesome.www.dailyhotguy.com