“There’s something about you. I can’t leave you alone. I’m like a moth to a flame. I want you very badly…” -Christian Grey
While sitting in a cafe you feel someone looking at you and you glance up to find a man burning a hole into you with his gaze. You freeze, unable to look away, unable to blink. When you finally manage to look down for one second to remove your reading glasses, he’s gone. Attempting to no look frantic you scan the room, missing him already. How is it possible to know someone for 4 seconds and and be panicked at the idea of being without them? When he leans down behind you and says, “hello,” about 2 inches from your left ear you almost pass out. The feeling of his breath on your neck is more intoxicating than the most delicious bourbon…
This is Charlie Hunnam, and this is why he is our new Christian Grey.
If you don’t watch Sons of Anarchy, you probably aren’t familiar with Charlie Hunnam, but that will change in the next year. The role of Christian Grey has been a sought after honor for the last year, and to land it is a game changer. All you need to know about Charlie are these three things:
- He’s crazy hot
- He’s super sexy
- He looks great with his shirt off
Done. Am I right?
If I turned a corner and ran into this face, I may pass out. Hopefully his big strong arms would catch me so his tasty mouth could resuscitate me.
There’s good stuff hanging out under that white tee–I can only imagine what he’ll look like in 50 Shades after those trainers get their hands on him. Yum.
Whoever said slightly greasy men were gross obviously never saw these photos. I’d dig into that, then give it a sponge bath. A very slow, very diligent sponge bath.
For those of you who need something a little prettier and more delicious, here you go. It would only be better if he were blowing a daffodil or making out with me. Did I say that out loud? Sorry (I’m not really sorry).
So what are we supposed to do with ourselves for the next year while we await 50 Shades of Grey? Write a letter to the creator of Google and thank them for the eye candy that will keep your pleasure chest full of images for daydreams and delicious nights of sleep. Then wait.
Sometimes waiting for what we want, craving it, is even better than having it.
Sons of Anarchy is on the FX network. Check it out and let us know what you think of Charlie’s, uh, tattoos.
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Mary Kay Holmes (Sr. Contributing Editor, Los Angeles)
Mary Kay Holmes runs an empire called Daily Hot Guy and dares you to download the iPhone app so you can join her in a world where there is an abundance of gorgeous men, chocolate and cocktails.Check out the iPhone app in iTunes!Handsome men are awesome.www.dailyhotguy.com